The village weaver origin is sub-Saharan Africa, where they are found from Mauritania to Ethiopia south to southern Africa. They prefer open or semi-open habitats, woodland or forest along rivers.
The Village Weaver (Ploceus cucullatus), also known as the Spotted-backed Weaver or Black-headed Weaver .
The village weaver is about 6-7 inches. The male has a yellow head with an olive crown, grey upper plumage and whitish under plumage. The wings remain yellow and black.In breeding season the male has a black head and bill and chestnut nape. The upper plumage and wings are yellow and black, and the under plumage is yellow. The female has streaked olive upper plumage, yellow and black wings, and pale yellow under plumage. Juveniles resemble the female except are duller.
Breeding Village Weavers:
Breeding season is September, October, January and February. The males are responsible for building the nests, which are never used more than once. Each male builds 3 to 5 nests and are never used more than once! Also the males will mate with up to 5 females during breeding season.The female will lay between 2-5 eggs, that are incubated only by the female for approximately 12 days. The male helps with feeding the chicks. Fledgings leave the nest about 17 to 21 days.
Village Weaver dier in captivity: Paradise Earth Premium Softbill Diet, Insect Blend, Fresh fruit and nectar.