Fawn Diamond Sparrow

Fawn Diamond Sparrow

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Fawn Diamond Sparrow( Emblema Guttata)Country of Origin: Australia


Similar to the Diamond Sparrow but “fawn” coloring. Size: Roughly 4.5?


The Diamond Sparrow is a colorful Australian finch that is very easy to breed.

The cock will carefully come towards the hen while carrying a long stalk of grass in his beak. He first stretches his head upwards, then lowers  it until his beak is close to his chest; next, he awkwardly hops close to the hen. The hen might appear bored, but if she stays around then she has accepted his mating proposal.

This type of finch generally nests in a nest box with a half-front that the pair constructs in their own nest. The birds will move everything around until it suits them perfectly. The hen may even pluck a few feathers and use them to add the finishing touches to the nest.

The maximum clutch of six eggs will be incubated by both parents. The noise they use to indicate a shift change often sounds like a strange sort of snoring bike noise. They will sit right after the hen lays her first egg. Be sure to give them as much live food as you can while they are breeding.

Once hatched, the chicks are easy to rear. The chicks will depart from the nest within 24 days. They may return during the first few weeks, but will move out for good before they are 13 weeks old.

Diet: (Seed eater)

Paradise Earth Premium Finch Blend and mixed millets form the basic diet, with some green food. Grit and cuttlefish bone must always be available.

Since this bird spends much of its time on the ground, it should be shut inside the shelter during very heavy rain to prevent chills.


Diamond Sparrows can be aggressive towards other birds.